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101 Ways To Know If You Are Addicted To Salsa

1. You vividly remember your first experience with salsa and the date it happened.

2. You take naps during lunch because you went dancing last night.

3. You never listen to the radio anymore because all you listen to are salsa cds/cassettes.

4. You cruise downtown blasting salsa music.

5. You go to a hip hop/dance club and you find yourself trying to find the beat of the clave.

6. You try your salsa moves in the hip hop/dance club with somebody that has never partner danced.

7. You dance in your dreams.

8. Salsa lessons/club cover fees are now a permanent part of your monthly expenses.

9. You say you are going shopping for a new business outfit, but you are secretly salsa shopping.

10. Your boyfriend/girlfriend does not understand the "strictly plutonic" relationship you have with your salsa partner because you simply cannot wait until you practice with him/her again.

11. You watch anything that deals with body movement,(i.e. karate, gymnastics, figure skating, ballet) because you are trying to devise a new salsa move.

12. Everything you do leads back to salsa.

13. You sing songs with words you don't even understand.

14. You are the only non-latino in the Musica Latina section.

15. You practice your turns when no one is looking.

16. You lightly dance your basic when you are waiting for something or when no one is looking.

17. People do not know you are secretly practicing your footwork when they are speaking with you on the phone.

18. You quit watching TV.

19. You convince yourself you can get by on 3-4 hours sleep per night.

20. Would rather have salsa than sex.

21. Salsa IS sex.

22. You have lost about 10 lbs. from dancing so much.

23. You have searched and found EVERY club in town.

24. Start spending more on salsa clothes than work clothes.

25. You've considered getting a different/easier day job to co-exist with your salsa dancing.

26. Friday nights are off limits for any events because you just CANNOT miss your salsa night.

27. You can't buy enough salsa music/clothes/shoes.

28. All your "former" friends have now abandoned you.

29. You don't even miss your "former" friends, as long as you have your salsa!

30. You argue about how salsa should be danced.

31. You have met all new (better and more permanent) friends.

32. Your friends and family do not understand what you are ranting and raving about.

33. You dump your boyfriend/girlfriend because he/she is getting in the way of your salsa training.

34. When you say, "I need my FIX for the week." you are not referring to drugs.

35. You cannot convince any of your friends to come with you.

36. You start talking 100 mph just because someone shows an interest that you like to dance salsa.

37. You went to a salsa congress and had an information overload.

38. You used to be humble and shy, but now you just have to show off every chance you get.

39. You go on vacation and instead of looking forward to seeing the main attraction, you just cannot wait until you check out the local salsa clubs.

40. You extend your vacation a few days, just so you can check out a local club.

41. You watch the MTV music awards and you don't recognize any of the new groups/singers because you never listen to that music anymore.

42. You are on the web all day long visiting salsa web sites.

43. You started working out again because you have to be in shape to wear those salsa outfits.

44. Your shoes are worn out from spinning so much.

45. You start clearing space in your room so you can dance salsa there.

46. You listen to Marc Anthony and start crying.

47. You cannot imagine life without salsa.

48. You start changing your screen names to "Salsa-this" or "Salsa-that".

49. You are pondering getting a license plate with "Salsa" somehow in it.

50. You sneak to your car during working hours just so you can listen to a few salsa tunes.

51. You are a writer/columnist and all you think about is writing about salsa.

52. You pray at night and thank God for creating salsa.

53. You install wooden floors in your house because you prefer them over carpet (Yeah right!).

54. You get stopped (at work, in a grocery store, in the mall, etc.) by random people telling you that they have seen you dance.

55. The only time you rest in the club is during the merengue breaks.

56. You can only stand merengue for a few songs.

57. You are on that eternal search for those perfect shoes.

58. Nobody wants to go shopping with you because all you talk about is how that would look so good in the salsa club.

59. You are in church listening to the sermon, but secretly you are dancing in your head.

60. You get desperate to practice and you dance with an "imaginary" partner.

61. You realize that the only thing you have done for the past few months is go salsa dancing every weekend and you feel you still haven't gotten enough.

62. You realize that the only thing you have done for the past few YEARS is go salsa dancing every weekend and you feel you still haven't gotten enough.

63. For your birthday, you ask for something related to salsa (i.e. lessons, new shoes, new outfit).

64. For your birthday, your friends buy you something related to salsa.

65. You get a few friends together and the first thing that comes to mind is casino rueda.

66. You are looking for a wedding dress that you can dance salsa in.

67. You use to have other hobbies.

68. You have chronic knee and back problems from all the dips, flips, and tricks.

69. You start wearing tight t-shirts.

70. You try to pass your addiction onto your other friends.

71. You walk into the club and everyone there is like family to you.

72. You have experienced at least one time when you overexerted yourself on the dance floor.

73. Your idea of a good first date is to go salsa dancing.

74. Heaven is having lots of space on the dance floor.

75. You take something that has no relevance to salsa dancing, but somehow you manipulate the conversation to end with salsa.

76. Your skirt keeps getting shorter and shorter.

77. Hell is a place where there is no salsa.

78. Your password is SALSAFREAK.

79. You have engaged in fisticuffs with another dancer over the "one" and the "two".

80. You decide that going out salsa dancing is more important than studying for that big exam.

81. You lie to your boss and tell him/her the reason you have to fly to Los Angeles/New York/Miami or Puerto Rico is strictly for business.

82. You get caught by your boss surfing SALSAWEB during working hours.

83. You did the "death-drop" move and never came back up.

84. You leave the club at 3 a.m., completely tired from dancing all night, and you get stopped by the cops because you were swerving on the road. When the cop asks you to perform the "walk", you start busting out your salsa.

85. You decide the only man/woman you will marry has to be a salsa dancer.

86. One of your pet peeves are cumbia dancers.

87. Your family coat-of-arms features a couple salsa dancing.

88. Club owners hate you because you go to the club and all you do is drink the free water.

89. (Salseras only)You practice day/night with your partner and when you go to the clubs together, he goes dancing with all the different women and you never get asked.

90. You become jealous when watching your dance partner, whom you have no relations with, dance with another person.

91. You bust out some salsa solo moves when waiting in line to use the restroom.

92. You have salsa music on your answering machine.

93. You sing salsa songs in the shower.

94. You and your friend/partner dance in the oddest places (i.e. grocery store, mall, gym, work, etc.).

95. After you break up with your boyfriend/girlfriend, you go out salsa dancing.

96. Your neighbors are wondering what the hell that is you are playing.

97. You check SALSAWEB's partner search everyday.

98. You own at least 2-3 salsa instructional videos.

99. You were already dancing salsa while in your mother's womb.

100. You do your leg workout earlier in the week so you can have "fresh" legs for your salsa weekend.

101. "Wepa!" is now part of your vocabulary.

If you laughed in identification to 1 senario, you may have a problem with Salsaholism.

If you laughed in identification to 2 senarios, you most likely have a problem with Salsaholism.

If you laughed in identification to 3 or more senarios, you are DEFINITELY A SALSAHOLIC!!!


(writer unknown - obtained from Martin)



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